5 Candies That You Never Want to Taste any more

Candy, when you here this term the very first thing comes into mind is that delicious taste that is satiate to your sweet tooth. It also refresh our childhood memory that filled with different flavored candies. But have you ever thought that candy can also taste ridiculously? If not yet then don’t get wondered and find out below 5 candies that you never going to taste any more for its bizarre taste.
Following Are The list of 5 Bizarre Candies Around the World:

1.      Genghis Khan Lamb Caramels


Lamb is delicious, and so is caramel. But what will happen when these two are mixed? Well, nothing much, you’ll just get Lamb Caramel. A weird combination straight from the land of Japan, Lamb Caramel is a candy that tastes like smoked lamb curry. Amazed much? Well, why not since the actual name of the candy is Genghis Khan Lamb caramels. If you are daring enough, then you must definitely try these lamb caramels.

2.      Zotter Soap and Skin

Well, lamb caramel is not the only candy that will leave you in a dilemma whether you’d like to eat a candy or not, as Zotter Soap and Skin will leave you even more baffled. Going a step ahead, Zotter Soap and Skin is a chocolate candy made of pig blood. Bizarre, bizarre! So, this particular candy is not going to be everybody’s cup of tea, this for sure!

3.      Wasabi Kit Kats

Known as Japanese horseradish, Wasabi is incredibly spicy and usually eaten with savory dishes. No one would have ever thought of mixing wasabi with crunchy Kit Kats, but with dozens of other flavors, Wasabi Kit Kat is one candy which is very popular in Japan. And that’s not all, this particular candy is made available once a year Continue Reading at: https://www.buzzfeed.com/vikramalivenet/5-of-the-weirdest-candies-from-different-parts-of-357ik


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